Tag: Jews

Barack Obama: King of the Jews?

Barack Obama recently voiced his frustration in a conversation with his friend and former chief campaign adviser David Axelrod about being perceived as anti-Israel, according to JPUpdates.com and a report with The Daily Caller. “You know, I think I am…

Obama confirms his hatred of Israel

Barack Hussein Obama’s despicable behavior has now officially reached a new low as we learned today that his administration declassified a top-secret document that reveals Israel’s nuclear weapons program. According to Israel National News, the document—written in 1987—was released in early February.…

Barack Obama: Loves muslims – Hates Israel

According to an Israeli official, Obama is about to agree with nearly 80% of Iran’s demands in the discussions with that rogue nation regarding their nuclear ambitions. When Rep. John Boehner announced that he had invited Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin…

It’s Easter! Time for jihad!

The Strident Conservative, along with many others, took a lot of heat in 2012 for a story about Rick Warren’s embrace of Chrislam theology as a means to reach out to the Muslim community. Specifically, there were indications at the time…