Tag: Eric Holder

Conservative Comedy 6/14/13

It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. We learned more this past week about the ever-increasing Orwellian behavior by the government—spying on the media, using the IRS to intimidate political enemies, tracking our cellphone and internet activity—so it should be no wonder that Jodi Miller…

Conservative Comedy 6/7/2013

It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. As we do every week, we are proud to bring you the latest from Jodi Miller and Newsbusted, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change, and our newest contributor to party, Steven Crowder. The…

Conservative Comedy 5/24/13

It’s Memorial Day weekend in America. Obama is still the President; Benghazi is still a cover-up; the IRS is still being used by the Administration to take out his political enemies; and the Department of Justice is still doing all it can to…

Can Obama pardon Kermit Gosnell?

The power to pardon by the President is granted by the United States Constitution, Article II, Section 2: The President … shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. Since…

Obama – Black And White And Racist All Over

The color of Obama’s skin has always been used when politically convenient. Notice I didn’t say anything about him being black – because he is, after all, half-white – although it has recently been “discovered” that “The One” might actually…

Another Evolving Moment For Obama

When Barry revealed his political chameleonism after he announced that he was in favor of homosexual marriage, after he was against it, after he was for it, he attempted to explain his color changes as an “evolving” moment. “I have been to this point…