Planned Parenthood not a fan of Black Lives Matter

Margaret Sanger - exterminate negro populationLast month was Black History Month, a time set aside for America to reflect on the many contributions made to our great nation by members of the black community. But according to a black pro-life group in Kentucky, in an age where we are barraged with chants of “Black Lives Matter,” oppression and destruction of black lives still exists in America today.

And it not for the reason so many on the left want you to think it is.

Angela Minter, president of Sisters for Life, equates these “pernicious and insidious” forces as “slave masters.” And she singles out the greatest transgressor:

“One of these forces is still alive and active today. It is targeting the black community. They have placed over 80% of their surgical abortion mills in the inner city and minority neighborhoods.”

That’s right! She considers Planned Parenthood the equivalent to the slave owners of days gone by. She also draws another comparison to a sad chapter of American history, World War II and Nazi Germany as a warning to today’s black community:

“The age of eugenics inspired Hitler to launch the most evil campaign in human history.”

A tough and accurate comparison.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, worked behind the scenes of the “Negro Project,” whose stated goal was to “infiltrate the black community by presenting birth control as a health option for women to kill off the black race. …by limiting the growth of the population by abortion and sterilization.”

Considering the fact that over 17 million black babies have been murdered by abortion since 1973, I think Margaret would be quite pleased.

Which leads me to this question: why does an average of 90% of the black community continue to support the Democrat party? Hillary Clinton once stated that she is a great admirer of Margaret Sanger, and the Democrat party is fully committed to keeping the vision of Planned Parenthood alive.

For the record, praise for Planned Parenthood isn’t exclusive to Democrats; Donald Trump has repeatedly praised the “good work” of the baby butchers.

I think it’s time for the Black Lives Matter crowd to start attacking the real enemy of the black community, Planned Parenthood … because UNBORN Black Lives Matter too!


Don't Feed The RINOsDavid Leach is the owner and publisher of The Strident Conservative, your source for news and opinion that’s politically-incorrect and always “right.”

His daily commentary is nationally syndicated via Salem Radio Network.