NY liberal Trump considers establishment RINO Bob Corker for VP

double-facepalmEven though he’s the only Republican candidate for president still running, Donald Trump hasn’t been winning by large enough margins in the remaining primary states to put this thing away. Heck, Washington state’s GOP awarded 40 out of 41 elected delegate slots to Cruz during their party convention this past Saturday.

So, as the New York liberal trudges down the road to 1237 delegates, which would move him from being the presumptive nominee to the real, live, honest-to-goodness nominee, his team of stooges–my apologies to Larry, Moe and Curly–have been busy making Sean Hannity’s heart go all aflutter with talk about a possible running mate.

After firing Ben Carson for suggesting that Sarah Palin or a Democrat might be a good pick, the Trump campaign has been throwing around the names of several establishment Republicans. Hey, I thought Trump was running against the establishment. And didn’t he accuse Ted Cruz of jumping the gun for naming Carly Fiorina as his VP before winning the nomination?

Oh well. Not the first flip-flop we’ve witnessed from the Trump campaign, is it?

One of the establishment RINOs making the list is Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, who is scheduled to meet with the Trumpster at his famed New York residence today. If he gets the nod, look for more of the same ol’ same ol’ establishment politics, because the Tennessee senator with a Conservative Review rating of “F” is likely to be just as much a non-conservative as Trump.

In just the past year, Corker hasn’t just been a reliable RINO, he’s practically been a member of Obama’s administration.

In April last year, Corker led the charge to surrender the Senate’s constitutional responsibilities regarding their treaty power during Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. After secret phone calls with the Muslim sympathizer, Obama got what he wanted, Iran got what they wanted, and Corker got to pretend that he actually did something to stop the deal.

In May last year, the potential VP candidate objected to the House-passed USA Freedom Act, a bill designed to reign in data collection abuses by the National Security Agency (NSA). While it would overwhelmingly pass in the Senate, it did so without a “yes” vote from Corker. He voted “no” — not because he wanted to maintain the status quo, but because he wanted to give the abusive agency even more authority conduct warrantless surveillance on Americans.

Corker, a word that the Urban Dictionary defines as: odd, unique or peculiar–seems appropriate–has a recent history of supporting the Obama agenda and opposing the Constitution.

Hey… wait a minute! Maybe that’s who Carson was talking about when he suggested that a Democrat might be in the running for VP.

Honest mistake.


Don't Feed The RINOsDavid Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative, your source for opinion that’s politically-incorrect and always “right.” David is also a contributor to RedState.com.

His daily commentary is nationally syndicated via Salem Radio Network.