Hey, Jeff Flake! The GOP is already toast!

At a tax-reform event held in Arizona over the weekend, soon-to-be ex-Senator Jeff Flake was caught on a hot mic whining about the imminent death of the GOP. Speaking to his good friend, Mesa Mayor John Giles, Flake said “If we become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast.”

Unfortunately for Flake, his analysis is a day late and a dollar short. The GOP has pretty much been toast ever since Ronald Reagan’s last day in office. That’s when RINOs took over the party and turned it over to big-government Republicans like George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Mitch McConnell, and John Boehner.

Ever since Ronnie rode off into the California sunset, conservative values have been relegated to the dustbin of broken campaign promises only to be conveniently brought out every election season to steal money and votes.

Flake’s statement is wrong for a few more reasons: Roy Moore is a threat to people like Flake because he is running against the establishment, and the GOP has already become the party of Donald Trump.

For example, before he decided to pass on re-election next year, polls showed Flake was already likely to lose in the primary to Kelli Ward, who’s running as a Trumplican. Trumplicanism has replaced conservatism as the new identity of the Republican Party as it embraces all things Trump under the mistaken belief that his populist brand of politics is what defines conservatism today.

This sad reality is a direct result of RINOs like Jeff Flake.

Ironically, Flake confirmed the importance of the conservative values he long abandoned with the release of his book earlier this year, “Conscience of a Conservative,” a title essentially plagiarized from a book written by the man credited with reigniting the conservative movement back in the 1960’s, Barry Goldwater.

Because it’s election season, Flake hoped his book could be a sort of get-out-of-RINO-jail-free card as he attempted to at least give the appearance that he was the conservative we all know he isn’t. But hey, if you’re going to write about something you know absolutely nothing about, steal the words of someone who did, right?

Jeff Flake blames everyone but himself and his fellow RINOs for the sorry state of the GOP, but these lying liars are fully responsible for the rise of Donald Trump and the Trumplican Party.

The good news is that the GOP is already toast. Let’s replace it with a true conservative party.


Don't Feed The RINOsDavid Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative, your source for opinion that’s politically-incorrect and always “right.” His articles can also be found on RedState.com.

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