Trump’s Evangelical supporters owe America an apology

Armed with a smart phone and a Twitter account, Donald Trump failed America and the presidency once again when he took a break from dealing with important issues, such as the fake repeal of Obamacare, in order to focus on the much bigger issue of lashing out at the hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe program because they “spoke badly” about him.

In a clear display of the sort of narcissistic behavior we’ve come to know all too well from the New York Liberal, Trump tweeted a series of offensive, personal attacks against Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski:

Besides being beneath the dignity of the presidency, this behavior provides the latest evidence of the low regard Trump holds for the highest office in the land. It reminds us that Trump is unfit to serve as president, and that so-called Evangelicals owe America an apology for repeatedly justifying his despicable behavior in the name of Christ.

During the presidency of Bill Clinton, Evangelicals made character one of the primary qualifications for being president, and they attacked Hillary’s husband for his failures in this department. He was, after all, a lying, draft-dodging womanizer.

But all of that changed in 2016 when another lying, draft-dodging womanizer with an “R” after his name ran for the office. Exchanging their convictions for convenience and a seat at Herod’s table, Evangelicals became moral relativists as they supported Donald Trump, sacrificing their reputations and their testimonies.

In a piece by Peter Heck at The Resurgent, he recognized the disgraceful lack of character displayed by Trump and his Evangelical followers and he issued a series of challenges, one of which is:

Religious conservatives who have backed the President and willfully tied the name of Christ to his presidency must disavow these type of juvenile taunts and personal attacks. Supporting Trump’s policies is one thing; supporting and defending a man who consistently displays character traits that are the antithesis of a Christian attitude and demeanor is something completely different. It is subjecting Christ to public disgrace to claim such conduct is in any way the mark of a man, “doing the work of the Lord.”

To that I would add: Evangelicals owe America an apology.


Don't Feed The RINOsDavid Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative, your source for opinion that’s politically incorrect and always “right.” His articles are also featured on

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