AZ GOP and bad angels endorse anyone but McCain

mccain_rinoSo, did you know that being a fan of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or one of the other populist candidates in the Republican party is due to the bad angels of your human nature? That’s the opinion of John McCain, who is apparently expanding his theological expertise from Islam to New Age. You may recall that it was McCain who let us know that the phrase “Allahu Akbar” was nothing more than a way for radical Islamists to “thank God” before killing you.

McCain made his remarks during the Christian Monitor Breakfast yesterday:

“I think also and I probably shouldn’t say this but some of this appeals to the bad angels of our nature rather than the better angels of our nature.”

McCain also said that supporters of populist Republicans were simply expressing frustration and anger about how Washington has failed to meet the expectations of the electorate:

“A lot of it is justified because they have not seen a betterment of their lives that they had hoped to expect.” [sic]

McCain’s New Ageism was nothing more than a political attempt to sound like he had something in common with his audience, but on this last point he is spot on. However, there was something clearly missing in his comments, and that was the failure to admit that it is the inside-the-beltway neocons such as himself who are responsible for the frustration. But that hasn’t escaped the folks back home in Arizona.

East Valley precinct committeeman and former Maricopa County Republican Committee Chairman A.J. LaFaro has introduced a resolution for the Arizona Republican party to consider in January meetings that calls for them to “endorse anyone but Senator McCain in Arizona’s 2016 Republican primary election for the U.S. Senate.

LaFaro’s resolution was posted on the Maricopa County Republicans blog site, and stated numerous grievances, reading:

“Whereas, Senator McCain is a self-proclaimed ‘Republican,’ but is actually a RINO… and voted for DHS funding that included money for Obama’s illegal amnesty for illegal aliens; and campaigned on securing the border but co-sponsored legislation giving ‘pathway to citizenship’ to millions of illegal aliens; and actively worked to purge the party of grassroots conservatives using out-of-state funding via the Arizona Grassroots Action PAC; and voted to kill an amendment requiring certification that Iran has not directly supported or carried out an act of terrorism against the United States before sanctions can be lifted; and demeaned Republicans who stand for the Constitution, calling them ‘crazies’ and ‘wacko birds’; and voted to support funding for the Iran Nuclear Deal, Obamacare, Executive Amnesty and Planned Parenthood’s selling of body parts….

He concluded his resolution as follows:

“In accordance with the Continuing Bylaws of the Arizona Republican Party Article III Section H. Resolutions, I am submitting the attached resolution entitled “AZGOP State Committeemen Endorse Anyone BUT Senator John McCain.”

I guess bad angels are everywhere these days.



Don't Feed The RINOsDavid Leach is the owner and publisher of The Strident Conservative, where you will find news and opinion that’s politically-incorrect and always “right.” He is also a frequent contributor at

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